Friday, January 2, 2015

New things, First week of 2015!

Hey AJammers! HAPPY NEW YEAR! I am SUPER excited for 2015; I hope AJ will make new items too, they said 2015 will be Jamaa's best year yet, YAY! Ok, so there are no new items in Jam Mart Clothing (D:), and the Jam Mart Furniture items are a Pet Ski Jump, a Pile Of Snowballs, and a Snow Fort Pennant, and there IS a GREAT new party! I bet all you Jammers have seen, been, or at least heard of the newest party introduced to Jamaa...

YAY! This PAWSOME party has great Den AND Clothing Items AND Music, plus the party takes place in a Snow Fort den, similar to the den Jammers can buy, but THIS fort has Slides, Snow that you can sink down and play in, and FIREWORKS! You can also get a free cake to float by you for a bit by clicking the Cake carving, same with the Lollipop.

Here are some Cute Jamaaliday and New Years Outfits you can use for that unused animal!

( No Eyes)

( Eyes seen)

The Maple Leaf Rug, Salon Sinks, Rake and Leaf Pile, and Salon Pump Chair are leaving the stores, so be sure to pick those items up while you can! Well Jammers, all I can think of to say now is that the R.I.M was Jamaaliday Earmuffs, and... you all know what's coming...


(the blogger)

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