Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Meetings and Randomness

Hiya everyone! Sorry I didn't post yesterday, I got home late! Since it was the 4th Of July, my family met up with my grandparents, and we all watched the fireworks together! I took quite a few pictures, XD!
Anyway, there doesn't seem to be much going on in Jamaa lately, other than the occasional person screaming " OMG APARRI'S ON!" Haha, I actually just saw people saying that. I even went to other worlds in Jamaa to 1. See how many people were screaming about him, and 2. Check to see if he was there.
I hate how that last part turned out. I don't exactly like Aparri. If you like Aparri, I won't mess with your opinion, but this is mine. Aparri seems like he cares a little too much about rares and "betas". He also is sorta braggy. I feel like I'm offending so many people right now! Please don't hate me! I mean, " Aparri is swag"? o.o
So yeah. Really, the only "famous" AJ YouTubers I like are bepper and (kinda) Wisteriamoon. I don't care for Aparri, WootMoo, LilacPetal, or Julian2. They are just...braggy to me. Again, this is my opinion only. If you like these people, don't let me make your decisions for you. Just keep loving what you love! ;)

I've actually spotted quite a few "famous" Animal Jammers in the past 3 years! I saw WootMoo online, at his den, and in Coral Canyons...
I met snowyclaw in Coral Canyons too, not too long ago...
I saw bepper in Coral Canyons a few days ago...

And finally, I saw Aparri online.

Haha. His eyes changed. Dunno what that's about. Maybe a glitch, maybe Wisteriamoon. We may never know.

I was going to show the pictures of snowyclaw and WootMoo, but I'm too lazy to scroll through my endless screenshots. Plus, I have TONS of Masterpiece pictures that stock it up too. But you can check older posts to see those.
I dunno why I posted all this "famous Animal Jammers" stuff, because personally, I hate acting like it's so cool and rare to spot them. They're just people like us! The only difference is that they have YouTube accounts, and anyone can do that...
Okay, I'm sorry. I feel like I'm offending people who like these jammers. How about we move onto something less awkward, eh? Let's get RANDOM!! YAAAY!!

I never realized how BIG this Daisy Table is! It's bigger than my arctic wolf!
Oh wait. Most tables are bigger than people, so... yeah. Hm. Guess I'm too used to small Animal Jam tables, XD!
Ignore my look. I had to make a temporary one so people would actually notice me in Jamaa Township. *Sigh* What has this world come to?
What am I doing, more like! XD

Some new items that you can get from redeeming codes from the AJ toys! Woah, I think that Chaise Lounge is for non-members!!! Woo!

So, in one of her older videos, bepper had an interview with Clark Stacey, the CEO of Animal Jam. She asked if any new lands would ever be opening, and as you can see, he said yes. I don't know if this was made before or after Kimbara Outback was released, but even if Kimbara Outback HADN'T been released yet, that means that the land above Appondale, along with the land below it, might be a new land someday! Petopia Peaks, here I come!
Oh yeah! Bepper also asked if Mira and Zios would ever make a return, and again, he answered yes! So Mira ISN'T dead! Many jammers believe that Mira somehow died, but I have always believed that she was always a spirit. I DON'T know about Zios, though. The legend, according to AJHQ, says Zios was killed by the phantoms, but this legend has since been removed. But now, some are saying that Zios isn't dead, and he just merely disappeared one day. What do you all think? Is Zios ever going to return, or was the old legend right?

 I saw this lynx in Jamaa Township, and immediately noticed her fur looked darker than it should. I clicked her nametag...
 And her colors looked a lot brighter in this picture. Maybe it was just the mud in Appondale that did this, but I saw it happen to an eagle, too!

See? Seems rather strange, maybe it's a glitch. I doubt they BOTH went in the mud in Appondale, plus, it didn't seem to come off like the mud does.

Quiz Time!

" What Animal Jam Animal Are You?"

 Woo! Tigers are AWESOME! And a tiger was my first AJ animal! They're also my favorite AJ animal AND pet! Go tigers!!

I don't remember the title of this one, but it was something like " What Are You On Animal Jam?"
Ooo YAS! This describes me SOO WELL!! The only part that's NOT be is buddying everyone. ( Did I spell buddying right, or is it budding? Idk.) I really only buddy people I've at least somewhat met. I don't really accept buddy requests from random people. Other than that, this quiz IS SO ACCURATE!! WOO! WIERDO 4EVER! :D

Finally, a Shoutout to my friend, Lostfairy, for making these two BEAUTIFUL works of art!

These are so realistic, Lostfairy! Amazing job!!

Anyways, I don't really have much else to post about now. Maybe I'll make another Masterpiece! (I think I'm obsessed, XD!) So I guess all I have to say now is:
Remember to party hard, be kind, and JAM ON!!

P.S. Please do not be offended by anything I said in this post! I am merely expressing my opinion, and I don't want any comment-fights starting because of it. Like I said, don't be influenced by me if you don't want to, and just be who you really are! Bye, and thanks, all of you! 


  1. Hmm, yeah, I don't really know what I think of 'big' famous jammers. I really don't know. XD The one I like most is PROBABLY Snowyclaw... Just cuz I watched one vid of hers and it was quite funny. :P
    OHMYGOSH! THAT TABLE IS HUGE! Oh wait, you have a point... XD :looks at dinner table: Yeaahh, it's bigger than me. XD
    Hmm, they DO look like they were in mud... But I dunno. Could be a glitch...
    Heh, I just did an "Which Animal Jam Alpha Are You?" and I was Liza. XD And I just did the which aj animal one and I was a falcon. XD And aww, Wierdo is cute. And partly me. XD
    AWWW, THANK YOU SO MUCH!! You made me smile!!! :D Your so awesome, Swirl! Thanks again! <3

    1. Yeah. I like snowyclaw, bepper, and (kinda of) Wisteriamoon. No others, though. At least, no other big-shot AJ YouTubers.
      Yeah, it probably WAS some kind of glitch.
      Awesome, I actually like Liza! It means you are super nice and helpful, which you totally are! And you got a falcon too, cool!
      No problem, Lostfairy! I felt you deserved a shout-out! :)

    2. omg guys dont make fun of her ok guys? i love her

  2. I agree with you on Julian2, he is so rude. All he does is complain about AJ. He only does stuff like
    " What is the most hated Animal on AJ "

    1. Ugh. I don't even watch his videos, and I hate him.
      " What is the most hated item on AJ"? Um, that's HIS opinion. He shouldn't be discouraging others who like that item, whatever it is.

  3. Hehe, I agree! Bepper and Wisteria are my favorite AJ youtubers (along with CocoTrolls AJ, RainbowTheCat AJ ,KittyLucy AJ and some other minor famous jammers) ! Most famous jammers are too braggy (in real, the fake bragging is another story) or/and annoying, but I like some random videos by them, such as the Aparri- Momparri ones and the Spongebob-animal jam by WootMoo. But to be perfectly honest, I don't like Julian2's videos at all (at least so far)! I barely noticed he left AJ and then returned XD

    1. Same! I almost like snowyclaw! :)
      Yes, their bragging is annoying. Even more annoying is how people scream " OMG OMG IT'S HIM/HER CAN I HAVE AUTO!!?" ):I
      Yes, I too watch some of Aparri's videos. I don't like HIM, but some of his videos are entertaining. OMG, the Momparri ones! I laughed at those! XD
      Ugh. Julian2.

    2. Hehe XD
      My horse mutated and now she looks like Julian2's horse DX
      Ok, I made her look like Julian2's horse, because another jammer was pretending to be Aparri and said stuff like ''I'm swag'', so, I became Julian2 and said ''you're not swag, I BECAME SWAG IM BETTER THAN YOU .cries.'' randomly. Because, after his returning, Julian2 thinks he is swag, but he looks ridiculouly silly (No offense to fans).

  4. When Clark Stacey said YES. To when we we will open new lands, I am REALLY excited and I hope it's the Pumming Mountains in the top left of the world map.

  5. I think Bepper is my favorite YouTuber and then....I'll just write them in order.

    1. Bepper (my all time favorite who makes the best videos ever)
    2. WisteriaMoon (she is pretty funny!)
    3. Julian2 (I don't watch his videos a lot but they're entertaining)
    4. WootMoo (not as cool videos but yeah he's ok)
    5. Aparri (I don't really like Aparri and have only watches 5 of his videos)

  6. I loaf WisteriaMoooon!


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