Thursday, July 14, 2016


Oh gosh... I don't know what's happening! Do you know what happened today!?


Click here if you don't believe me.
Yes, he's an author for the Animal Jam Spirit now. But the thing is, I don't like this.

I'm sure you all have picked this up from some of my recent posts, but I don't like Aparri. Yes, his videos are pretty good, but HIM as a person... I just don't like it. He seems to care too much about rares and fame. One of the reasons why I hate Mail-Time videos, actually. It's basically " SEND ME GOOD STUFF BECAUSE I MAKE VIDEOS". For those of you who make videos like this, I'm not saying all you care about is rares. I promise. I'm just saying that whoever invented AJ Mail-Times probably just wanted free rares. Enough about that now, let's get back on topic.

I swear-and I'm not kidding when I say this- that Aparri is COPYING my AJ life or something!
He's made 2 outfits that were almost identical to mine, and now he starts BLOGGING!!? I bet he's stalking me. I covered up my camara on my laptop, just in case...

Okay, I'm freaking out for no reason. I don't even know why you all would want to hear all this from me. What do I know? But I felt like letting my feelings out about this, and what better way than on a blog post?

Idk, though. I just don't know.

*Please note that I didn't intend to harm or offend anyone by posting this. Honest! For you Aparri-fans out there, I'm so sorry. Believe what you'd like. Don't make me the ruler of your life! But this is my opinion, and I just felt like posting it. But, again, I'm sorry.*

P.S. Look who I saw on the Epic Dens list!!

I sent her a JAG saying " Panda? I thought you got hacked!", and she replied " It's a long story, short, I got my stuff back." I'm glad! Hopefully some of the rumors floating around are not true!


  1. I agree! And, most of all, when I watched Aparri's video "trolling AJHQ", Aparri put a trasy (member) sword on trade seeking for rares. He got offered a diamond grey spiked collar, he declined and said " Imma not give my sword for a diamond shop collar" or something like that. He even declined a blue long wristband 😨
    And now, Aparri as a bloger. Wow. If Aparri can be a blogger, my grandma (1 of my grandmas, no offence to tne other grandma XD) can be a great cook! Aparri is not a blogger, he is a YouTuber. He has 200k subs and he wants to be a successful blogger as well. Snowy achieved that, and it's not impossible. But I feel like Aparri's posts won't ever be as popular as Tigerlypaws' or Snowyclaw's.


    1. Exactly! I agree with everything you said there! I think Aparri should just stick to YouTubing. I feel that he's just not quite the blogger type.
      And seriously? He declined a grey Spiked Collar? Celebrities. l:1

  2. I feel offended because I spent months blogging but everyone pays attention to the AJSB because of all the family's people.

    1. I know, right!? The more minor blogs out there need to be visited more often!

      I still check the DreamMiner AJ Blog every day, though. And I'd like to check out the AJ Storybooks blog, but it says only certain people can read it! :(

    2. And Aparri is REALLY thirsty for rares. He is like "I will put a necklace on trade and I will see your offers", but he declines everything but rare longs! At least WisteriaMoon is honest, she just says "GIVE ME RARES!!!!!!!" XD

    3. Yeah, I don't like that about him. :1

  3. I one hundred percent agree with you. I hope, he isn't stalking you. However, the inventor of mailtime, Julian2, at least now isn't rare-centric. I feel like a crazy fan girl but that is just my opinion.

    1. Ohh, so Julian2 invented mail-times! That makes so much sense. I don't exactly like him either, but it's good that he's a little less obsessed now! I'm just taking your word for it, though, I don't watch his videos! :P

  4. Aparri posting on AJS shocked me so much. I seriously have so many mixed feelings about this but mostly bad ones. :| The fan girls attacking the chat with "auto", "pls buddy" though. XD

    1. Oh gosh. They did that? There weren't many comments on it when I checked...

    2. I was just talking about if his fans find out he blogs. XD

  5. Hmm, I really don't know. I just hate seeing people putting one person down so bad. I know he is arrogant but I just watched some of his videos and they weren't so bad...
    I just see all these people saying mean things about his post and I think, "What would everyone who said those things think if others said such mean things to them instead?" My first blog post stunk too but no one said anything mean to me! What's the difference? :/
    So, yeah, I might just be too kind but still. It hurts to think that everyone is being mean to one person who did ONE blog post.

    1. Once again, you're right, Lostfairy. I'm sorry.
      I've seen some of his videos too, and I actually kinda like them. The reason I dislike him though is because of his personality, not because he's a YouTuber or a blogger. But you're right. I should think about what I'd feel like if I had those things said to me.
      You're very kind. There's no such thing as "too kind" to me. The fact that you're so nice makes me even more proud to be your friend! Again, though, I'm sorry.

    2. Hey, it is totally fine!! :D
      I get what you mean. I probably am just sticking up for him because 1. I like him and his vids (PLEASE DON'T HATE ME) 2. Because I feel sorry for him 3. I am weird. XD
      I am proud your my friend too!! I love getting every one of your comments. In fact, your one of the best commenters on there... Your so full of life and fun, I can't help but smile. Thanks. :D And again, it is totally fine. I'm not Aparri, am I?

      Or am I.... WAH HA!! XDDDD

    3. I don't hate you, not at all! If you like Aparri, I will not stop you from liking him! Don't let my opinion mess with yours! I guess I can see why others like him, and I guess I could say his videos are entertaining.
      Right back at you, Lost! I really hope to see you on AJ again, you're such a great buddy!!!

      APARRI!!! I KNEW IT!!!! You WERE stalking me through my laptop camara!!!! Well NOT ANYMORE CUZ I COVERED IT UP!!! HAHAHA!!!!

      We're so wonderfully weird.


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