Monday, December 1, 2014

Clan Story Extra!

Heya Jammers! Geez, these are turning into like, DAILY posts now! Lol! Anyway, I had the idea to make a CLAN Story, since I'm REALLY into Warriors! So, whoever out there who reads this blog AND is familiar with the book series, "Warriors", by Erin Hunter, here is my short story!!It's actually kinda like a CHAPTER, but oh well!

                                                   The Kits' Ceremony   by: swirlshine
Cheetahstrike padded into the ThunderClan nursery, wanting to check on the kits. She peered inside, and saw the two kits,each doing something different. Featherkit, a kit with eagle feather-like- markings on her pelt, was observing and smelling the flowers growing around the nursery wall, while Firekit, the orange, furry kit who was a little more active than his sister, was trying to catch a butterfly fluttering around him.They spotted the medicine cat and bounded towards her.
" Hi Cheetahstrike!" mewed the kits. Cheetahstrike meowed her greeting back to them. " How are you doing?",Cheetahstrike asked Featherkit and Firekit. "Great!" mewed Firekit. " Wow, it's getting a little boring around here." "When do you think I'll be able to become an appreitence?" wondered the adventurous  little kit. "Yeah!" squeaked tiny Featherkit. Cheetahstrike smiled. These kits were certainly eager to be warriors in training! " Soon Enough." she replied. " In fact, I think I heard Firestar saying something about a 'special ceremony'." The kits happily bounded around the medicine cat hoping the meeting was for them. Suddenly, they heard Firestar yowl, "Let all ThunderClan cats gather here under the Highrock for a Clan Meeting!" Cheetahstrike strolled towards the Highrock and took her seat, the kits and their mother, Redleaf, close behind. "As you all know," Firestar began, "We have two kits in the ThunderClan nursery, Featherkit and Firekit." "It is time for these kits to have their ceremony, and graduate from kits to appreitences." " Featherkit and Firekit, would you come up beneath the Highrock please?" the leader asked. The kits nodded and padded under the tall rock, just below Firestar. " Firekit, Featherkit, do you promise to train hard at hunting, listen to your mentor, and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?" Firestar asked, hid pelt glowing like flame in the sunlight. " I do." answered Featherkit respectfully. "Yes!" yowled Firekit, who was always a little less respectful towards important cats. " Then, in the name of StarClan, I give you your appreitence names." "Firekit, you will now be know as Firepaw, and Featherkit, you are now Featherpaw." The two new appreitences beamed. " Vineswirl, you be mentoring Firepaw," the fire-colored leader said as the middle-aged dusty brown she-cat strolled closer to the Highrock and stood underneath.  and Cheetahstrike, you will mentor Featherpaw." meowed Firestar. Cheetahstrike was bursting with happiness inside of her. Her first appreitence! The mentors touched noses to their appreitence, and Firestar leaped off the Highrock. As the crowd broke up, Featherpaw and Firepaw bounded around with obvious joy, yowling their delight. "Why don't you both go check out the appreitence den?" the medicine cat said. Firepaw nodded and bounded off, but Featherpaw stayed behind. "Cheetahstrike, I want to be just like you; a great medicine cat." mewed Featherpaw. "I'm sure you will be." meowed Cheetahstrike, licking her chest fur. " Will you teach mew everything you know?" Featherpaw asked nervously. "Of course!" the new mentor and medicine cat said reasurringly. "Now go follow your brother to your new den." The new appreitence nodded and bounded joyfully after her brother.


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