Sunday, January 11, 2015


How are all you Jammers?! I hope good! The new items are... a Marshmallow Snowman, sadly, it's LEAVING in 5 days, and a Snow Patch. At least the Mohawk has come out again in Jam Mart CLOTHING, though it USED to be Beta... :1
Anyway, I am SUUPER excited to say...
THE RUMORS WERE TRUE..... PET PANDAS ARE OFFICIALLY HERE!!!!!!! Some of you may of heard of the leak going around about PET Pandas, and apparently, THAT RUMOR ACTUALLY WAS TRUE!! These new fuzzy friends are SUPER adorable and VERY cute accessories, at Pet Stop AND the SPECIAL Pet Stop! Also, according to the banners they have around Jamaa, if we Jammers can adopt 50,000 Pet Pandas, AJHQ will be allowed to adopt a REAL LIVE PANDA! So work hard and try to save up for a Pet Panda, because if we get to our goal, AJHQ will own an ENDANGERED species! Also, be SURE to vote which new THEME of items you want (BTW I voted Art, yay!)

Have any of you tried to solve the puzzle in "The Jamaa Journal" to find out what animal it may show? Well, if you STILL wanna try to figure out yourself, DO NO read these next words: THE NEW ANIMAL OBVIOUSLY (OK, to ME!) IS...

AN OWL!! YES FOLKS< YOU HEARD IT RIGHT, THIS WINGED ANIMAL IS DEFINITELY A GREAT HORNED OWL! Sorry, SPOILER ALERT right, but I just COULD NOT wait to share this news! And also, I have been trying to get AJHQ to make Owls GEMS this time, but if ALL we Jammers pitch in, we JUST MIGHT be able to make Owls 1000 Gems, instead of 10 Diamonds, so try to type a note to AJHQ by clicking on a purple question mark disk around Jamaa's stores or parties!

OK JAMMERS, GUESS WHAT!? ANOTHER RUMOR WAS TRUE! This picture shows a penguin on a BOUNCY HOUSE! (Picture from "Animal Jam Cheats and Codes")

Well jammers, now WE ALL can experience this too, at the NEW BOUNCE HOUSE PARTY!

This new party is LITERALLY THE BEST PARTY EVER MADE ON AJ!! Here are some shots showing you around the place.

Some GREAT and FUNNY new furniture!

Um, DON'T mind the RANDOM ppl in the shot saying "falls over" and stuff... lolz

Ppl in meh WAAY :l

The stairs up...

The cUTE little BOUNCY turret thing.

MORE ppl got in my way RIGHT as I took this shot, its ok though!

Kinda sad, actually, but hey, everyone needs a barf break! LOL!

I slid down already, can't screenshot in time!

Slid down Slide #2

It also is an example of how the furniture looks in dens.

Well Jammers, the RIM was Rare Deer Antlers; I didn't really like them, so I didn't get them, but that's only MY opinion! So Jammers, remember to...



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