Sunday, May 10, 2015

Beach House, Best Theme Contest, and Beta Days!

ALOHA Jammers! Yes, in this case, aloha does mean hello! Anyway, for the... um... maybe... 5 people who randomly check this blog, sorry that I didn't post last week! I was busy on Saturday, and then I just really didn't feel like posting the rest of the week. Well, I am here now! Let's get up-to-date on the new furniture and clothing items! Now, we have the great Feather Earrings, Charm Bracelet, and Spring Flower Crown in Jam Mart Clothing!!! Everyone is saying how the Spring Flower Crown looks like a copy of the normal Flower Crown, and I agree! Is AJ running out of ideas??? Hmm...  Well, at least we also have the Croquet Set, Inline Skates, Horseshoe Set, and Bicycle in Jam Mart Furniture to make up for it! Wait a minute, what am I saying?! What is there to make up for? The Spring Flower Crown is GREAT, JUST like the regular Flower Crown! Well, moving on, another DEN THEME CONTEST has come up, although AJHQ calls it "Den ITEM Contest", even though IT IS NOT JUST ONE ITEM AJHQ!!! Moving past THAT weird moment, the themes you can choose are the Sand Castle, Mechanical Future, and Excavation Site!
 Well, I kinda like this set, although, this would be my least favorite. Really, the only things I am pretty fond of are the Eagle Picture and the Robot Dragon thing... still cool though!
 Now THIS is more like it! Dinosaur bones! Well, in this case, PHANTOM BONES, by the looks of it. I voted for this theme, it seems like it would go PERFECT in a nature-y den!!! My favorite item so far is the Gold Mining Pool!!! I love anything with (clear) water!
I ALMOST voted for this one! It seems so fun!!! Imagine building a WHOLE FORT with these items!!! It would certainly be cool! Again, it goes well with a nature scene! And AGAIN, I like the Pool of Water! Idk its real name though...

Hmm, you know what? I wonder how these random Jammers GET these items? Does AJHQ send them to random people so they can test them? Or do the Jammers ASK for them? You know, I think these "random Jammers" are AJHQ WORKERS! I mean, I don't think they would send them to random Jammers, that wouldn't be very fair.... but MAYBE these AJHQ workers take on NORMAL JAMMER NAMES, so they will not be noticed? Who knows? A mystery indeed...

Also, Cheetahs are coming back!!! HOORAY! I really missed those fast big cats! I mean, yes, I have two already, but not many people have them right now! Yay for cheetahs!

In other (bigger) news, THE RUMORS ARE TRUE! Yes, the BEACH HOUSE has come to Jamaa!!! Here, I will take you on a tour of another one of the biggest dens in Jamaa!!!

( Now I am going south, then up north)
Cool, huh? My favorite is, of course, the island! So pretty and peaceful? BTW, like the way I decorated? Hehe! :D

Lastly, have any of you heard about PLAY WILD BETA? It is gonna be a MOBILE APP!!! Right now, though, it is in the BETA days, which also means it may be a bit glitchy if you play it, because it is a test, and they are fixing bugs. Anywho, let's check it out!!!
First, you gotta go to the official PLAY WILD WEBSITE!!!

Here is what it says...
 They make it sound SUPER!!! Which it IS! And, yes, it's true, PLAY WILD IS 3-D!!!
These are the rules. Although, why does it matter what age you are??? Anyway, yeah, it talks about how when the real version is released, your account may be restarted, and how this game is fixing bugs at the moment.
And FINALLY, some EPIC screenshots!
 Cool, right? Look at ALL the cool items!
Not many people are playing this so far, but apparently enough!!!
Cool 3-D-ish-ness! ( BTW I made up the word ish-ness) 
These are the only games so far, Falling Phantoms, Overflow, Pill Bugs, and Long Shot, by the looks of it! Pill Bugs seems the same, but Long Shot, Falling Phantoms, and Overflow seem pretty 3-D-ish!
 Club Geoz looks EPIC!
Lol, "soak up some rays"! I guess you COULD roleplay that... 
And yeah, the juice hut is not open yet, but it will be soon!
 Jam Mart Clothing!! In this game, if you click on the item, it shows that you can buy it. For instance, if you click the Mech Helmet, it shows the color choices and where you can buy it.
And the dens!! Everyone gets this den, and you can go to Jam Mart Furniture to buy some cool things, like a Disco Ball, Pool Table, Sandbox, and more!

Well Jammers, did you like this post? I sure hope so! To top it off, some WOLF GIFS!!! Yes, I will start adding some GIFs, just like Cloudclaws! :D
 : Dramatic music: Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun DUUUN!
This is my FAVORITE!! Howl wolf, howl!!

Well Jammers, you probably ALL know this line now, so say it out loud at home if you want. Remember to...



1 comment:

  1. HIII! I am very excited by your blog. I read it for the first time today! I really like the font LOL. Do you know how I would be able to get a headdress super fast? I am really wanting one. Also do they still have them and spikes in the forgotten forest? If u know the answer plz jag me, im dragontigergirl11. Also, it would be awsome if ajhq got to know that jammers want the hd back in stores at least for a day! So ya :D.


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