Thursday, June 25, 2015

Gotta do this Friday or Sunday

I won't be posting today, even though I REALLY need to catch up. So I will just give a brief post sort of thing. You know, what has been going on in Jamaa and stuff. So, llamas have come to Jamaa, YAY, and there is a new pet contest. You can vote for Armadillos, Elephants, or PEACOCKS, which I reccomended ( As an avatar, but this is better than nothing!). PLEASE VOTE FOR PEACOCKS EVERYONE!!! We also have the returning Freedom Party, although NO FREEDOM FOX HATS! Yet. And lastly, in honor of this party, some brand new FREEDOM PLUSHIES are at the Summer Carnival! Go and check it out if you want a cute little stuffie in honor of America's independence! Which reminds me, have any of you U.S.A folks seen people saying they are canadian? Have you seen any that have started saying " CANADA IS BETTER THIS PARTY STINKS!", or something like that? If so, please remind them to be nice, I had an experience with mean people last year. They tried to get us wrapped up in this big fight, although we just told them that if they didn't like the party and were gonna say mean things about American people, they should leave. They did, finally, so YAY! And that is my story. Remember, to all you non-Americans out there, I am not trying to offend you or say you are mean. I am just trying to say that AJ is about friendship and fun, so please, PLEASE be kind everyone! AND remember to PARTY HARD, LOVE LLAMAS, AND JAM ON!!!
( Oh, I guess I DID post today, hehe!)

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