Friday, July 8, 2016

Sloth Opinion

I'm so sorry for the lack of posts, everyone! I had a friend over on Wednesday, and she had a sleepover. But because we played Poptropica for most of the day ( hehe), my mom wouldn't let me play AJ yesterday, so I only got on for a few minutes. And today we went to Schlitterbahn! But no worries, I'm back now, and today I'm here to make a mini-post on the new, upcoming sloths.

Oh yeah, these guys are cute. But I'm gonna voice my opinion on them. Be warned, I care a LOT about details! :p

Anyways, yes, sloths are adorable. But let me start with the look.
The eyes are super kawaii, but what's with the pig-looking nose? Real sloth noses look like this:
Honestly, I don't think they look anything like the Animal Jam sloth noses. Maybe AJHQ is still in the pig spirit, eh? Either way, it's only a tiny detail, and I suppose it's fine. Perhaps it will look different on the real avatars.

Also...they're green. Green. Sloths in real life aren't green. But hey, we have blue-ish wolves, penguins and monkeys, purple eagles and falcons, and red owls, so I guess that's not a detail we need to worry about. I must say, though, the green goes well with the color around the eyes!
Okay, enough about the looks of the sloths. This is the part I have been pondering ever since I saw that sloths were an option in the Heartstone contest.

Sloths are slow, of course. They can't help it. But will they be slow as avatars? I mean, Animal Jam allows every animal to run and walk on the game, but what about sloths? I feel like it would be very unrealistic to have sloths running around Jamaa. But hey, like I keep saying in comments, I'd rather have a fast, unrealistic sloth than a realistic, slow one. 
There's one other thing though. SLOTHS DON'T WALK.
Don't believe me? Here's some info I found on the web:
See? It says they don't even have to touch the ground. And that three-toed sloths spend their LIVES in one tree.
The only time they come down, apparently, is to go to the bathroom. ( XD)
This doesn't matter much, but that AJ sloth looks like a three-toed sloth to me! Three-toed ones spend their lives in a tree. So sloths would be walking around on the ground of Jamaa, again, unrealistically. And HOW would AJHQ make them walk? Would they walk on their knuckles, or just normally? I honestly don't know. But like I said, I'd rather have an unrealistic sloth that's faster and can actually WALK, than a non-realistic, slow sloth that, um...can't even put their feet on the ground. Feet? Paws? Toes? I dunno.

But there you go. That's my opinion on sloths. Basically, I think that they'll be pretty unrealistic, but it'll be cool to see the actions they do! Plus, they're pretty adorable! How could you resist? 

Until next time, this is swirlshine, saying...



P.S. Before I go, here's a super-swag picture I edited on piZap. It's that monkey from the Jamaa Journal, showing us his fists. Only now, he's this:

Oh yeah. This was genius.


  1. Replies
    1. Hehe, I play on there sometimes! You can add me as a friend if you want, I have two accounts, LeapingWolf and FunnyWolfz. I made FunnyWolfz because I forgot my other account's...everything. XD

  2. To be fair, AJ is not a realistic game. So I guess they will have to compromise on some things, Party hard, Be kind, Jam on. I love that! Yeah, that monkey is photo is awesome. No question.

    1. That's true. Really the only thing I care about is that the sloths are not slow, though, XD.
      Hehe, yep, that's my sign-off message! Or whatever it's called. :P
      Yay, you liked it! It's so beautiful! :3

    2. Imagine trying to just walk around Jamaa if they make Sloths slow. XD

  3. I actually have never thought about the fact that sloths don't touch the ground. Great job Swirlshine!

    1. Thank you, Cerise! I seem to notice the tiny details of everything, XD!

  4. "So you're saying that because he's a sloth, he can't be fast?" -Nicholas Wilde

  5. I think its going to be the cutest animal EVER CX

  6. Hehe, I know this is completely random, but:


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