Friday, July 1, 2016

Weird Comments In AJ ( Again)

Hi everyone! My sis has been watching AJ YouTube videos, and now I think Wisteriamoon isn't so bad. She's like me: hilariously random. XDD
I dunno though. Tell me if I should think she's awesome or just her videos, haha!

Anywho, it's RANDOM TIME! Oh yeaaah! Enjoy!

 I don't think you can "give" animals on AJ.
 You're obviously magic, person. I didn't know AJ toys were sold in the game, too! o3o (jk)
 Extra black? Yeah I have one.
Told you so! Original image is not mine.
 I thought cake gets mostly eaten... Well, it gets discarded one way or another, right? Oh gosh, what am I doing?! I'll stop. Nice comeback though, person.
 Oh gosh. What is going on?! I suddenly see this at the Penguins Only Party... Although, that guy reacted quite well! " What". Dunno if that's what Duke meant though.
 Um, apparently you...? Yikes.
 Okay! * Tries to fly and faceplants into a bush*
 The safest item on AJ. Haha.
 Oh snap, girl! Don't give away everything you have for one item!!
 O.O    I don't think that's how roleplaying works, girl. Or how fashion shows work, either. ( She wasn't roleplaying for real, I guess she was trying to say " Any fashion shows?")
I'm scared.
Duh people! " Quality time with Trump", though? People are becoming even more insane by the minute...
Haha, I just noticed " Ish a shark :D".
See? I was right!! She DID mean popsicles! She meant " there will be popsicles", though. Thank goodness.

That's all for now, I gotta get off the computer! Bye! Remember to PARTY HARD, BE RANDOM, and JAM ON!


  1. XD
    Literally one of the reasons I play AJ lol... The community is just so weird and fun! :P

    1. Hehe, I know right! So many random people out there...
      My fam, XDD!

  2. Hehe, Wisteria is hilarious! She, Slushy and CocoTrolls AJ are probably my favorite AJ youtubers! I like how she is more honest that Aparri (f.e: Aparri- (opens gift) Ooh a necklace thank you very much!! Wisteria- WUT A NECKLACE THATS WUT UR GIVIN TO wisteriaMOOOOOOOOON?)

    XD I liked the ''do you want the hands'' one (ones)! So many weird Jammers lately XD

    1. My sis and I watched her video where she got in Aparri's account, changed his animals, and said weird stuff, XDD! That one made me laugh pretty hard!!
      You're right, she is more honest. I would probably have the same reaction as her to the Necklace thing, haha!

      I just took that one yesterday as I was going offline! I should have said that I wanted the hands! ):D

  3. I'm not a peice of cake for you to just discard is part of a song called cake by Melanine Martinez

    1. Ohh, that makes sense!
      Menlanie Martinez? I love her song Dollhouse, lol! I normally can't listen to that, but my friends and I watched it at one of their houses, XD! So rebellious. Not. XP


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