Thursday, August 4, 2016

My Vacation, Toy Pics, and Art for CanineClaw!

Hi everyone! How are you doing? I hope your day is going well! I know mine is!
So, I'm first going to tell you all about my vacation! It was a short one, but super fun!

My whole family went to the coast for three days! The first day, when we got to the hotel, it was pretty late. The hotel had an indoor pool that was open until midnight, and since it was about 11 at the time, we went swimming in there. There were signs that said " No kids allowed after 11:00 PM", but no one else was there, so we went anyway, XD! I considered myself a "young adult", lol!
After that, we went to iHop, since it was, like, 1:00 at night. XD
The second day, we went down to the beach! I wanted a visor, so we stopped at a little gift-shop store, and I got myself a cute visor decorated all over with DOGS! Yay!
And finally, on the third day, we went to the town's Schlitterbahn waterpark! That was REALLY fun! Except there was this one slide-thing that had a sorta long tunnel. I don't like heights, but that wasn't what bothered me, since it was pretty low. Tunnels, though. They scare the heck outta me! I hate tight spaces, since I'm claustrophobic, so I normally don't go on rides with long tunnels. But I went on it anyway. It actually wasn't too bad. :P
Oh yeah! I almost forgot! Before we went to Schlitterbahn, we stopped at another place to buy more junk, XD! Surprisingly, I got a really big towel. But it has cat heads that look like Warrior cats on it, and nothing else there was as good as that to me, hehe!
And now we're back! Like I said, it was short, but real fun! It's basically a tradition now to go to the beach at the end of summer, so I'll be going again next year too, most likely!

So, that story's over! Now, how about those promised toy pictures that I never got around to posting, eh?
These are all the ones I got! The Lucky Lynx...
The Sparkle Tiger...
The Twinkle Panda...
The Magic Horse...
And finally, the Princess Castle Den set!
Now, here's all of them unboxed! I'm going to show what the patterns look like on the light-up toys, okay? Here's my lynx, who I named Lucky...
He's got spots/bubbles!
Here's Twinkle, the panda, and her diamond pattern...
Magical, with her swirly pattern, which I LOVE...
My heart-patterned tiger, whom I named Miss Windyspirit, after my first ever AJ animal...
And finally, my purple fox! I forgot her name already, so her name's Dancing now. XD
So CUTE! I love them all! 
Lastly, here's the "den items" that come with the Princess Castle Den set.
As for the in-game items, I got the Light Up Horseshoe Ring from Magical, the Light Up Paw Ring from Lucky, the Light Up Swirl Ring from Miss Windyspirit, and the Light Up Flower Ring from Twinkle. The Princess Castle Den set gave me a Princess Couch, Princess Ottoman, and Princess Chaise Lounge. 
My personal favorites are the Light Up Swirl Ring, for obvious reasons, and Princess Chaise Lounge, which looks pretty AND comfy!!

Alrighty, we're almost done! Now, this part's for CanineClaw AJ! Here's a picture I drew traditionally for your art contest!
 I hope you like it! It took me a while, and I don't usually color, but you're my friend, and it IS for a contest, after all! Here's a close-up of the head, in case you can't see the mouth or something properly.
Again, I hope you enjoy!

That's all for now, my friends! I gotta get onto AJ now, there's new ADVENTURES! WOO! 
Remember to party hard, be creative, and jam on, and I'll be seeing you soon! ;)


  1. That puppy visor is so adorable. ;-; And wow, that drawing is amazing! I love your art style so much. Harmony is gonna love it! ^.^
    I guess we all know why you love that swirl pattern on the panda so much. XD

    1. I know, right!? There was also a kitty one, too. So hard to choose!! XD
      Thank you! I'm very glad other great artists out there like my art!

      I bet they all do, XD! And do you mean the horse? BTW, no worries about the typo! :)

  2. The toys seem so awesome! To bad they aren't releasd where I live yet, have to wait until the end of August yay!! Welcome back!

    1. Aw. Well, the end of August is not too far off! :)
      And thanks!

  3. :0 you're so lucky to get all those AJ toys! I DESPERATELY want the horse and lynx.

    "so, AJKraft, what do you want for your 13th birthday? Makeup?"
    "AHEM NO. I told you already, marker pens, webkinz and ANIMAL JAM FIGURINES!"

    I actually had that conversation with someone XD

    P.s that art is fantabulous :oo

    1. They are pretty cute! Also, I got them off of Walmart's website, and eBay, so if you're allowed to buy them, you can get them off of there! :)

      XD! I think I'd say the same!

      Thank you! I love that you love it, hehe! :DD

    2. I got the ones I do have from the entertainer XD
      I'm British, so we don't have te almighty Walmart


    3. Ah. Well, AJHQ posted on the DE that more and more are being released all over the world now!

      Ooo, you're British? That's cool!!!

  4. Aww thanks! It's entered in the art con.

    1. Awesome! And no problem! CanineClaw is quite fun to draw! :)


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