Thursday, December 27, 2018

It's Been A While (And I'll Explain Why)

*Awkwardly wanders in and gives a sheepish small wave*

Uh... hi?

*Crickets chirp*

Ahem... uh, yeah. So uh, how has everyone beennnnn?? *Sorta sinks lower*'

*More silence*

*Blinks* Er... so... I, uh, take it you want me to get on with the post already, huh?

*Still nothing*

Alright then... eheh...

So... uh, hello everyone, eheh! Remember me? Swirlshine? The blogger who kinda obviously stinks at responsibilities and hasn't posted since... *checks* August? Yeah, that's me. Eheheh.

*Fidgets nervously* So, uh, I take it you've all been wondering where I've been for 4 months?

I'll explain that now then. I hope it all doesn't sound like excuses to you - I'm speaking the truth, I promise you!

*Clears throat*


Alright. So first off, you can see that my last post was on August 22. I'm pretty sure that was a few days before the new school year started for me.
So yeah, that makes sense, right? Yeah, totally normal - lots of people just need a few weeks to get used to school schedules again!
Except uh, yeah, I obviously was NOT gone for "just a few weeks".
But if you guessed one of the reasons for my unexpected "hiatus" was school, you'd be very much correct, so yayyyy, good for you if you guessed that, I guess! XD

Yeah... idk. School's been different this year, being in high school and all. Quite interesting, to say the least. Unfortunately, I can't say it's the good kind of interesting either.
I'm not trying to turn this into a vent post or anything, promise, but yeesh, I'm not gonna lie - this 2018 school year so far has been rough. *Shakes head* School's quite dumb in many ways, I can tell you that. And stressful. And discouraging. And disappointing. And infuriating. And dull. And- you get the idea.

But hey, I won't go into my strange personal issues. And besides, maybe the 2019 half of the school year will be much better!
... Okay, tbh, I sorta doubt it. BUT I DON'T KNOW THAT YET SO I SHOULD BE QUIET NOW. C: XDD
And plus, I mean, 2018 hasn't been all bad! School-wise, yeah, it's been tough, but I did grow even closer to some of my friends, and I'm so grateful for that. <3

Anywho, yeah, school's been keeping me busy lately. After a while I ended up forgetting about blogging entirely, and if I remembered, I just... never really felt up to posting, if you get what I mean? Idk, I'm exhausted after school, I like to spend my time in the evening after homework doing other things online, and I just wasn't sure what to post about. All of those things contributed.

Actually, now that I think about it, it was much more me being distracted and irresponsible than school discouraging me. But uh... teeeechnially it all traces back to school anyway... so blame it. c:

Okay okay, no, you can blame me for this one. I'm the one who didn't post for months and months because I was not responsible whatsoever. I'm really sorry about that... gosh, I feel awful that I've left you all hanging for so long. I know a few of you have been chatting with me all this time anyway, but for the rest of you that wondered why I disappeared into the shadows of... hiatus-ness, I sincerely apologize - I really, really do. I missed talking to everyoneeee. And I hope me not posting didn't annoy/anger anyone or anything, ack! Sorry again, DX.

But I'm posting now because blogging has just been on my mind lately, and I really didn't want 2019 to come and the blog still be dead! That just doesn't exactly seem right to me - not quite sure why, honestly.
But yeah, I've been thinking about making this post for a little while now. So uh, here I am! XD
And actually, writing this, man, I didn't realize how much I missed writing posts! It feels good to do it again. c:

So I'm very glad to announced that I think I'll be coming back to the WJN at last! I've got some changes to make to the blog, some posts to catch up on, and I need to get back into the community! But I'm looking forward to it all. ;)

I won't be posting again until after New Year's, so I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your December, and that your New Year's Day is great as well! And merry/happy late Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or whatever you may celebrate, XD! I hope to see you all again very soon. <3


(P.S. What'd you guys get for Christmas? Or whatever you celebrate? I love hearing what everyone got, hehe! c:


  1. *sighs happily* You know that warm, comfy feeling you get when you read your favorite book for the hundredth time but still adore every word and missed being with the characters and writing style and story world?

    That’s me as I was reading this post. Dang. Wow.

    Your blog posts are always incredible and interesting and fun to read! Honestly, I forgot how much fun it was to get excited as I go to my Blogger Dashboard and see Swirl posted something new!

    AHHH. YOU ROCK. <33

    But honestly, Swirl, don’t feel bad. Your school sounds like absolute KLUNK and I totally completely understand why you’d feel, idk, uninterested in posting. Heck, I’ve been lazy and irresponsible all year and have done a measly number of posts. I understand what happened to you Swirl and I think we ALL do. So don’t worry. ;D

    We all love you. We all missed you. We all welcome you back with open arms and big smiles because WOOHOO OUR SWIRLSHINE IS BACK!!!!!! XD

  2. Aww, really?
    That actually means a whole lot to me Lost - thanks so much, seriously! <333
    I forgot how much I adore reading your comments - you’re too sweet and awesome, ahhhh! I’m super excited to get back into posting and talking to everyone again! ;)

    (Also, psh, don’t feel like you aren’t doing well with blogging either! You can post whenever you like, and what matters most is that the posts you do make are awesome anyway! <3)

    ~Swirl on her phone (why isn’t my account working even though I signed in argh. XD)

  3. Yeah, school does suck a lot. It takes up so much time.... I’ve found that for some reason I have weeks where the homework isn’t to bad but weeks when the homework is bad and literally no time for myself.. really stressful!!

    I’m glad your back again:) I can’t wait to chat and read more of your posts in 2018! Let’s hope 2019 to be a good year!

    1. Yeah, no kidding. Wish they gave out less work - seems like no one knows that the amount they give kinda makes everyone overwhelmed. ,:1
      I haven't had TOO much homework this year, but that doesn't sound fun, DX.

      Thanks so much Vi!! I'm glad to be back, and I hope 2019 is a good year as well!


    Freshman year has made it so difficult for me to play AJ and do the things I like as well, it's super stressful, especially since I'm in a physics class. :(

    On the other hand, I've grown considerably and I have a lot of new friends, a growing rock collection, and a weird love of 50's music.

    I also take improv!

    That's life I guess :)

    See you on the flip side

  5. I may be new here, but..
    how's your 2019 school year going?
    *giggles a bit*

    Yeah, I know, its random. But for me, I'm going into highschool next year, and I have some questions:

    1. Do you remember any of what they taught you the first year?
    2. How were the people (students and teachers alike)?

    I just want to know so I can prepare myself- emotionally and mentally- for the possible monsoon that may or may not rush in.



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