Friday, May 13, 2016

. . . . .

Sorry, I didn't know what to call this post...

So anyway, this is sort of an apology post. I realize now that in my latest post, I said some things that could offend others. Take the " Most Pointless Items on AJ" part of it. I had put the Dragon Mask on the list, saying no one liked or wore it. Lostfairy informed me that she has seen non-members wear it around Jamaa, and she's right, which is why I removed the Dragon Mask from the list. But all those "pointless items" could be someone's favorites. Also, it seems I'm one of the only people who don't like the idea of pigs on AJ. They're so cute, but they just don't seem WILD enough to be on the game. But Lostfairy commented, along with another person on another blog, that there ARE wild pigs: Boars.
I looked up boars ( just to see it they had tusky-teeth things or not), and you're right. Wild pigs. Though I bet AJ will come out with pink, domestic ones, not brown ones with long teeth. If they had BOARS, I would be much more satisfied.
But it seems like I'm getting into my own opinion again. I just wanted you all to know that I didn't mean ANYTHING in that last post to be picky or judgmental! Please don't think I'm becoming someone who complains about everything on AJ, I'm not, I promise! Sorry if that post offended you!

Thank you to Lostfairy, who made me realize that that post was a little off, in a couple ways. Sorry. :1

How about I make up for it? Remember the good old days where I posted funny animal GIFs? I'll give you all some of those, okay? Okay, here ya go!

 XD! The monkey pulled it, ran, then came back!!
Lol, the cat's all " IT'S AN EVIL IMPOSTER. SLAY IT!"
 OMG that is the cutest/derpiest animal I have ever seen!!! XD, I could watch this one forever!!
That rat wants the food all to himself. Too bad the cat is paying attention to the food, hehe!
 He almost made it! Almost.
Driver: Get out of the street dog!!
Dog: * Pulls license plate off* Nope.
 Their heads!! I saw a meme of this that said " Oh no you DIDN'T!" XD
Nu, nu, meh toy, meeeh toy! It's legs crack me up, haha!

This is how I feel in the morning, XD!
XD why!?
Take my hand, Robeeert!
* Robert falls*
Oh. Never mind!

Lol! I don't know about you, but these made me laugh! Even my mom laughed when I showed her! What did you think? My personal favorite was the sloth, hehe!

Now, I suppose this post has gone on for long enough! Remember to PARTY HARD, BE KIND, and...


  1. I didn't mean to offend your post. I can see why you would think that. I personally dislike some of those items. (stone tophat? really?! XD) But you're welcome... I think... :P
    XD Oh my goodness, these GIFS are HILARIOUS! XD The monkey, XD, ALL THE ANIMALS! XD Poor turtle! Now he's stuck... :P And the last one... XD And the sleepy kitten is SO cute! :o Great post! Makes me laugh! XD

    1. You didn't offend my post, promise! I just realized that I sounded a little... well, idk, complain-y I guess. I was in a rush anyway. :1 But don't take it the wrong way, you didn't offend me in any way!

    2. Somehow I found a much better batch of funny animal GIFs this time than when I searched them up like a year ago.
      I just realized that the year-difference typed out makes it sound much more normal, XD! The point is, I found better ones!

  2. xD I love the cat slaying imposter gif

  3. Lol, the monkey in the monkey GIF reminds me of my sister when she teases Max (the dog).

  4. Great, I just got my first spam comment on here. DELETE.

    1. Really? You did?! :O I haven't gotten a spam comment yet and hope I never will... XD


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