Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Picture of my wolf for awesomepanda868 and an announcement!

Here ya go Panda!
Everyone else, pay no attention to this pic, lol!

But DO pay attention to this, please! I decided to change the " Stories" tab into a " My AJ Fanfiction" tab. I quit " A Wolf's Escape", because I traded away my wolf, Raina's, red Arctic Hood, and plus, I felt it was too predictable. I mean, it was just what happens in the adventure. But anyways, my AJ fanfiction is called " Until She Returns" and... well, I'll just let you read it for yourself on the tab! But I hope you like it, I just made the prologue! Yes, it's a long prologue! :P

Still, enjoy!! :D


  1. Yay, thanks for the picture! ^.^ I'll get started on your signature this weekend!

    And I'd love to explore your blog more--I haven't checked out all of the posts and pages yet, so I'll go do that now! Your blog is so epic! :D


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#1. Please do not comment anything rude, inappropriate, or offensive. If I do receive a comment like this, I won't approve it, so it won't be seen by others, but please don't even try.
#2. Please don't spam on here! It's fine if you advertise your blog, as long as it is Animal Jam related, of course, but too many times, over and over, gets really annoying.
#3. No personal comments please! If I get any comments asking me or someone else, for example, where they live or anything like that, I won't approve them.
#4. This is an Animal Jam Blog. Please don't try to advertise blogs that are not related to AJ, unless it's one I've visited before because there could be something inappropriate on it, even if you think it's safe.
#6. You must love puppies. MUST.
And #7. Follow rules 1-6, and have fun on the WJN! :D